Fix for no scroll in grid/list view of assets folder

What was the issue? 

Problem was that with the introduction of lazy loading of asset previews in asset list view, the grid would become unscrollable.

How did you solve it? 

The problem was actually in ExtJS core so after discussing it with the Pimcore team, we found a solution that they were ok with. Because the problem occurred on lazy loading as the grid was resized when previews were being loaded, we went with a solution to make the grid cell fixed size and limit image size to size of the grid cell.

Why is this fix important?

Because now it works with lazy loading and loading times when there are a lot of assets are cut.

Do you have any plans for developing a new Pimcore feature?

Right now I’m more focused on learning more about what Pimcore already has, but if I get some idea that could be good, yeah I would try to make a new feature for Pimcore.

And if you want to check out this pull request, just follow the link! 

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