Expecting your baby is now even more enjoyable with “Expecting”
What better app to prepare you for parenthood than Expecting? Everything you need during pregnancy - in just one app.
The Challenge
The main challenge was to establish ‘Parents in action – Roda.hr’ not only as a resource for fresh, up-to-date information but also present the main difference of this pregnancy app in comparison with the other dozens of pregnancy apps in the App Store.
This app has a major advantage. Aside from all the tips for expecting mothers, there are hundreds of articles on how partners and future fathers can help pregnant women and also better understand her while preparing for the most beautiful day of their lives. As this is the first app that has this feature, we are very proud of our client and our developers!
Also, our primary task was to create great UX/UI design and set all features in order so that the app would be intuitive and easy to access. We were in constant communication with our client to find the best solution for this app.
The Factory team designed and developed a brand new application for iOS and Android platform, this time for ‘Parents in action – Roda.hr’. They are a group of engaged citizens that advocates for dignified pregnancy, parenthood, and childhood in Croatia.
Personalized Pregnancy Tracker Shows Your Baby’s Daily Development
If you are an expecting Mom or partner, from week to week you can track how your baby’s growth and what the important changes in progress.
Every week has a description with a projection of how the baby looks. With the description, you and your partner know what to expect in the coming week and can plan for what’s next.
Sync With Your Partner
For the first time, there is the application where both an expecting mother and her partner can keep track of everything about the pregnancy, together. Two devices, two users, and shared statistics about the pregnancy!
More than 150 Articles in 4 Categories
All information in this app is the result of collaboration between leading parent groups, independent midwives, psychologists, doulas, babywearing experts, and car seat experts. Articles from the fields of child health, birth, pregnancy, and Dads can help you to learn new information, read others experiences, and get the best pieces of advice for your big day.
Find the perfect name for your baby
Even if you don’t have an idea for the ideal name of your child, this app helps you to decide what names you and your partner like the most. The Expecting app offers you names from 12 countries and lets you save them in a list. The “Favourite list” will help you quickly decide on the perfect name for your new family member.
Monitor Personal Health with Expecting App
During pregnancy, this app helps you to measure your weight, blood pressure, and blood sugar level. Pregnancy is a time for constant monitoring of both the mother and the child. The Expecting app comes in handy over heavy, old pregnancy books and can help you out whenever you find yourself needing to learn more or keep track of everything.
Contraction Timer & Movement Counter
When the 37th week arrives, the app has two new features for managing the baby’s movements and Mom’s contractions.
Movement counter is an excellent feature for expecting mothers. They can, for the first time, feel and track the baby’s movements. With the counter, there is no need to fear that something isn’t right.
A minimum of 10 baby movements in 120 min is regular, and by counting that with the app, Mom can be sure that everything is just the way it should be.
The contractions timer function measures time between the contraction and gives you advice about how to breathe and when it’s the right time to head to the hospital.
Make a Shopping Checklist with the Expecting App
Every expecting mother needs a hospital bag, and every partner of an expecting mother has to know where that bag is.
We develop an excellent checklist for all bags that expecting mothers need, and other lists for Mom, baby, or partner. If you forget something, don’t worry, your partner has the app too!
MIXX finalist in the category “Best mobile app”
The Expecting app has been named as one of the best mobile apps at this year’s MIXX competition. Check out the app from another perspective in the video below!